It’s Gonna be a Pawesome 2019!

Greetings and welcome to my new blog! I’m Pretty Soto. Yep, you read that right! Pretty Soto is my name, and it’s a name that very few girls can pull off. Buuuut just to make it easy, you can call me Pretty. How did I come by the name you ask? Well, let me tell you my story:
My earliest memory is of strolling a parking lot and taking a ride to the animal shelter at the West Bank. On the 14th of June, while I was hanging at the SPCA with all of my shelter buddies this single, charming and devilishly handsome man walked into my life. I later learned that he was only accompanying a friend and had no intention of adopting any of us sweet souls, but the moment I saw him I just KNEW he was gonna be mine. As he approached my kennel, I made sure that I showed him I was pretty from snout to heart – which wasn’t easy because if you know anything about the Louisiana summers, they are dog gone hot! When our eyes connected, he exclaimed to the shelter escort that I was “such a pretty girl!” Re-bark-ably, that’s exactly what my foster family in the shelter had named me! It was the first of many signs that he and I were meant to be…
After looking through the shelter this single, handsome man – did I mention his name is Tico? – scheduled a playdate with me and my friend – but I made sure I was the first girl for the rendezvous. Not only did Tico and I connect during our play date, but that day I made sure that I’d be the only Pretty Girl in his life. By rubbing my scent all over his trousers. It was my way of saying “I’m yours!” Well he felt the spark between us, too, and from that day on it’s been a whirl wind paw-tnership!
Tico, affectionately known as Papa, is a hospitality industry veteran. I swear he knows everyone! We can’t even take a walk without running into friends – but I like it best when his friends have canine friends, too. They’re always fun! Papa is also passionate about building relationships and making sure that hospitality destinations shine as much as my smile. In 2016 Papa started his new business venture: Tourism Tactics by Tico. And, when I didn’t think that our lives could get even more hectic, more fun, and more eventful, he told me I had a new and very important job: Vice President of Communications at Tourism Tactics by Tico! So, what’s a girl to do with a new gig and a Papa to promote? Start a blog, that’s what! So I now welcome you to Pretty’s Perspective, where I tell you what’s going on with Papa, the business and my activities. I’ll also be doing reviews and shout outs, so watch the blog often!